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Old 17-02-2023, 11:38 PM
Maisy Maisy is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 1,603
Originally Posted by Ewwerrin
How do I get there? Anyone know how?

I think I know how and I would assume you do to as you got there. But knowing how does not get you there! In a nut shell, "you" do not get there, when "you" are gone, you are there.

Obviously I used the word "you" in that sentence two times to represent two different things or two "you's." The you that is gone and the remaining you that is then in the blissful experience.

This gets into my definition of duality which I think is not a common way it is defined by most people. I think most people define duality as the "non-enlightened" experience and perception which is the "normal" everyday experience most people have. I do not define it as an experience. I define it as the delusion itself. I define it as identification with the body/mind. It's called dualistic or dualism to me because two things, consciousness or awareness and the "person" have merged into one.

Trying to keep this brief, we (consciousness or awareness) merge with the body and brain around the time of birth to have a human experience. The whole thing is designed to create a person, with good experiences and bad experiences and all these likes and dis-likes, we absorb content from experiences, it is stored in the memory and brain, thought links it up to us. There is a running dialog in our heads from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed. We come to believe this is us talking, us thinking, we identify with the body, the history, the person, the dialog in the mind.
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