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Old 25-09-2016, 12:31 AM
wstein wstein is offline
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Originally Posted by Starman
I view duality as a necessary requirement of creation; and there are many religions which embrace non-duality, Hinduism, Taoism, etc, but my view is more of a metaphysical point of view.

Any time we talk about the one and the many we are talking about duality; duality is the illusion of separateness. From an esoteric Kabalistic point of view duality is nothing more than reflection; light refracted giving the appearance of opposites.

Your initial statement indicates you are going to talk about duality and creation. Then in the rest of the post you talk about the 'one and the many' (separateness). Creation could just as easily have been only 'one' OR 'many' not both as you indicate. As such, creation does NOT require duality.

As suggested by another, the original post is more about the illusion of separation than duality or creation.
This whole thing about trying to frame everything into duality is merely an artifact of the way the brain processes stuff. It 'works' best with choosing and contrasting among two (2). Further, it actively tries either to pare down to two choices or create additional choices so that there are two. This is documented by science.
no sugar coating here, I tell it straight as I see it
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