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Old 22-09-2016, 02:31 AM
Maguru Maguru is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 508
Originally Posted by Starman
I view duality as a necessary requirement of creation; and there are many religions which embrace non-duality, Hinduism, Taoism, etc, but my view is more of a metaphysical point of view.

Any time we talk about the one and the many we are talking about duality; duality is the illusion of separateness.
Why do you view separateness as an illusion?

From an esoteric Kabalistic point of view duality is nothing more than reflection; light refracted giving the appearance of opposites.

The human mind is a slave to duality; as the essence of memory (past) and imagination (future) is to compare and contrast. Comparing and contrasting is a function of duality. It basically points out how “this” is similar, or different, from “that,” when in non-duality there is no this or that.

The “Trinity” is looked at in many religions as the Godhead or makeup of God; three in one concept. In Tarot, Numerology, etc. the number “3” is the number of creation, or creative imagination, as is depicted in the Empress Tarot Key, but the number-3 is also embraced by many religions as a symbol of creation.

Creation happens when two dissimilar things are bought together producing a third thing. Childbirth, man, woman, sperm, egg, etc. To paint a picture, or write a note, you bring together paint and canvas, or paper and pencil, which creates the picture or the note. You need at least two things that will produce a third thing.
You omitted you who brought the two things together. Without you, what would pen and paper do?

In my opinion this is the essence of duality; manufacturing opposites that will give birth to creation. Kabbalah states that in the beginning was the word; that word was cosmic “sound,” which became light, and light refracted created duality, which according to Kabalistic thought, gave birth to this creation.:smile.
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