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Old 01-05-2021, 07:57 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by GeneHart1
Hi, although I'm not familiar with the terms or those authors, I know what you mean by simply being aware, in this case, you're exercising awareness on hypnagogic images, which is just one "symptom" that can appear before astral projecting, although watching those "colours and shapes" are not mandatory and do not always happen in every out of body experience.

As most people experienced in astral projection know, there isn't really much need for "techniques", at least personally I don't use anything formal. Once you're experienced, the ability of astral projection becomes instinctive, rather than intellectual, it is after all an innate ability of our Being, not our thoughts. You are more likely to be successful when you don't have to "think" about it, astral projection is just about guiding your awareness in the correct way

Thanks for the response. It is encouraging to hear that you do not use anything formal. Yes, I have reached the conclusion that all the techniques on offer simply add levels of complication to what should be an automatic process. After all, this is something we supposedly do every night when the body falls asleep.

Which is why the idea of phasing appeals to me. There is no trying to do anything or go anywhere, there is simply being present. Hypnagogic images may or may not come. So I just have to get the thoughts out of the way!

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