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Old 08-06-2022, 02:41 PM
MidasCloud MidasCloud is offline
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 162
Children need to properly call parents as Mother and Father for better development?

In the formative years of childhood, as the child is just learning to speak, it's important that the parents are more involved in raising the child. This way, the child will better develop the ability to properly address his or her parents as mother and father. This will also help the child develop as a person, and emotionally as well. If a person doesn't properly address his parents as father and mother, but instead view them more like friends, then that person is likely to act immaturish in career choices and with relationship decisions. People who know how to properly address their parents as mother and father are better developed, and tend to be more successful with their careers and relationships.

For this, I'm thinking more in terms of Parent Relationship Temperament, meaning that whatever your child calls you, it sounds like Parent, instead of Friend or Workbuddy.

I was walking outside at night, and a boy (about two or three years old) on the sidewalk suddenly turned around and called me father. I was surprised and didn't know how to respond, and it appeared to have disappointed him. I really hope that the child's father can be by his side more.

There appears to be a period around three years old when the child learns to call out mom and dad. It's vital in this period that the parents are with the child, so they learn to identify who to call with the Parent Relationship Temperament.

Besides one's own parents, people appear to be raised or brought up by either Grandparents-father's-side, Grandparents-mother's-side, or Babysitter. Additionally, there are people who call only the mother with Parent Relationship Temperament, but not the father, or just the father with Parent Relationship Temperament (but not the mother, though this appears to be a rarer occurrence than only calling the mother with Parent Relationship Temperament).

For people who do not call one's own parents with the Parent Relationship Temperament, though call Grandparents-father's-side with Parent Relationship Temperament, they appear to take what they are responsible for less seriously.

For people who do not call one's own parents with the Parent Relationship Temperament, though call Grandparents-mother's-side with Parent Relationship Temperament, they appear to take their own educational or career development less seriously.

For people who do not call one's own parents with the Parent Relationship Temperament, though call Babysitter with Parent Relationship Temperament, and especially when the babysitter has no further connection to the child later in life (temporary babysitter), they appear to take their loved ones, and people they care for, less seriously.

For people who call only the mother with Parent Relationship Temperament, they appear to take their responsibilities as a child and student less seriously.

For people who call only the father with Parent Relationship Temperament, they appear to take their adult responsibilities as a parent and co-worker less seriously.

People who call only their mother or their mother's parents (Grandparents-mother's-side) with Parent Relationship Temperament appear to have a less developed Energy Sensitivity Intelligence.

Similarly, people who call only their father or their father's parents (Grandparents-father's-side) with Parent Relationship Temperament appear to have a less developed Emotional Sensitivity Intelligence.

In an earlier thread, "Friendship Energy" appears to be related to Energy Sensitivity Intelligence, while "Facial cues and Body language" are related to Emotional Sensitivity Intelligence. Children who call only their father or Grandparents-father's-side with Parent Relationship Temperament appear to be less well developed in terms of Emotional Sensitivity Intelligence, because their father is already associated with Emotional Sensitivity Intelligence, so they might learn to compensate using the Energy Sensitivity Intelligence, or develop their Energy Sensitivity Intelligence more relative to developing Emotional Sensitivity Intelligence.

On the other hand, children who call only their mother or Grandparents-mother's-side with Parent Relationship Temperament are less developed with regards to Energy Sensitivity Intelligence, because their mother is already associatd with Energy Sensitivity Intelligence, so they compensate by developing more of their Emotional Sensitivity Intelligence, relative to Energy Sensitivity Intelligence.

People being raised by a babysitter, or who call their temporary babysitter with Parent Relationship Temperament appears to have the Anger Emotional Repression in terms of how they react to their responsibilities and themselves.

People being raised by their grandparents, or who call their grandparents with Parent Relationship Temperament appear to have the Sadness Emotional Repression in terms of how they react to their responsibilities if raised by the (grandparents-father's-side) and themselves (grandparents-mother's-side).

People who are raised by their father or father's side grandparents appear to be more Energy Sensitivity oriented, associated with Universal Oneness Feeling, and being more in-tune with Love-Happiness Energy. This likely balances the Emotional-Sensitivity orientation of the father, or male side of family.

People who are raised by their mother or mother's side grandparents appear to be more Emotions Sensitivity oriented, associated with Think-and-You-Shall-Achieve Feeling, and being more in-tune with Fun-Joy Energy. This likely balances the Energy-Sensitivity orientation of the mother, or female side of family.

People who are raised by their father or father's parents (grandparents-father's-side) appear to act like a Workbuddy Relationship Temperament in the energetic sphere, while those who are raised by the mother or mother's parents (grandparents-mother's-side act like Friend Relationship Temperament in the energetic sphere. This could explain why people raised by the grandparents-father's-side appear more serious, due to being Energetic Sensitivity Intelligence oriented in the energetic sphere, with interacting with individual telepathic energetic voice ethers, while those raised by the grandparents-mother's-side appear more goofy, due to being Emotionally Sensitivity Intelligence oriented in the energetic sphere, with interacting with individual telepathic energetic voice ethers.

"Seek a righteous path, and wisdom will be yours" - Ram Bomjon
"There is a right way to do anything"
"Wish others to find the love of their lives" - Roy Zhang
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