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Old 30-05-2020, 09:54 PM
MikeS80 MikeS80 is offline
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Originally Posted by Ewwerrin
How to realise non-duality through duality. And both as one. As one is all and all is one. From within and from without as one as all as all as one.

"Darkness is sound. It is the void of time. The pure stilness and oneness of all that is. And even in your religious texts it is stated; "In the beginning, God SAID let there be light." He spoke a word, and then there was a command, and light was birthed.
Sound is initially stillness, and when it creates, it is heard, and through the resonance therein becomes light. They are one and the same, at this point simultaneously existing, concurrent with your realities, and you are both."


The dark is the source of light, which is sound. And the light is the allowed realisation of sound, which is love. So source calls us always. Towards our greater allowed realisation. Source is always within us, as a vibrational calling, a vibrational offering, that vibration is continuesly vibrating at the core of our being, it is at the very core indestructable nature/frequency/source/soul of your being, that when you recognize it, as it is your true self, when you hear it, when you listen with your own heart, when you feel your emotions, you will eventually become aware of this frequency that exists within you, for you, through you, as you, and this awareness of it and recognition of it, as you feel your emotions, it becomes an emotional, undeniable recognition, and this recognition causes it to become light, you become light, light becomes through you, for you, as you. That awareness feels like love that indicates the expansion of light due to awareness of soul, causes the resonance that creates the light/love. That is the result of listening through your own heart, which causes you to "hear" your source of being / soul / god. And hearing it causes an awakening, awareness and thus resonance of God, that resonance then expands as you and through you for you and with you as love and light. Becoming aware of it, by first placing your awareness consistently and continuesly on your heart and listening through your heart to your source of being. Focusing your awareness there and feeling more and more fully. By feeling through your heart, your source of being.
You try to tell some people this and it goes in one ear and out the other and they keep insisting the physical universe/duality is an illusion.

Edit: beautiful post by the way.
"Cosmos is perfect order, the sum total of everything"
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