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Old 02-05-2021, 01:31 PM
smilingsun smilingsun is offline
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A new massage from our galactic brothers about changes in DNA

It's channeled from Anne Givaudan. Many think she's doing high quality and authentic channelling which is not the majority of channelings as you may know.

translated with deepl :

Suddenly I found myself in front of a great luminous being, I knew him as the spokesman of the intergalactic worlds.
He greeted me and showed me a huge DNA that was slowly spinning with extra bright strands, then I heard the following words:

Brothers and Sisters of forever,

Daughters and sons of the One we greet you,

We are with you today for a reason. We do not have to dictate your attitude, you have known for a long time the principles of life
that are ours and yours for the new earth that so many of you wish.
This new Earth as you call it is already present in you and around you. Only the veil that covers your consciousness makes you think that it is not yet here.

Everything has already been played out, but you still have to find the path to discover it.
Our help this time consists of modifying your DNA with your conscious or unconscious consent from this full moon of April until the full moon of May.

As you know, we do not do anything without your consent and we do not usually impose anything.
This modification will take place day after day for all the beings of your world who are in revolution, in deep inner change...
Some of you who are more sensitive have been touched during the preparatory phase that took place a month ago.

We wanted to tell you about it so that you would not be worried by the disturbances that this may cause, whether on a physical or psychic wave level.
We are going to be more precise: when we talk about disturbances, it means in this case that you can feel unusual emotional upheavals that can lead to manifestations in your body in the form of pain, tremors, unusual sleep disturbances, intense heat or cold are also part of it.

In your environment, on an electrical level, there may be disturbances without consequences.

We therefore ask you to simply be vigilant with regard to what you will experience during this month, the disturbances may continue slightly after this time but will fade away in favor of something much greater, whether it is conscious or not.

If this is the case, we suggest that you let go of your expression and visualize a landscape, a person, a moment of peace and joy in your life.

This transformation is sometimes disturbing and old wounds may surface. This absolutely necessary cleansing is the step to take for your cellular renewal and this modification that we propose to you.
This will greatly assist you in communicating more fluidly with the different kingdoms of your planet and with other worlds on a horizontal and vertical level, whether conscious or not.
It will also help you to make the psychic creations you make for planet Earth and its inhabitants more tangible, more concrete. You will find it easier to create in matter what you conceive in what you think of as "the invisible".
What we ask of you during this period is an alignment between your thoughts, your words and your actions to the best of your ability.

As you know, we will never do the "work" as you call it for you.
This change is an important aid that will help you to go beyond fear, to stand as the luminous beings that you are.
Do not look for which of you will have this change for those you meet will benefit from the radiation you emit.
We know that you have much concern for the actions of those close to you that are not in line with what you would wish for them.

Allow each one the freedom to follow their path, love each one as they are, and do not worry about what comes next... the injection they have been given may lead to their death, but no death is random, you know that.
Live in confidence and do what you feel is right, we have total confidence in you, we love you and salute you.

On behalf of the Galactics.
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