Thread: Heaven and Hell
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Old 20-02-2022, 01:34 AM
Physx Physx is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 19
Originally Posted by rajneshrai
What is the importance of hell and heaven afterlife?

Hell was never real. The original scripture never spoke of a hell. It spoke of a purgatory, which was only temporary before you were prepared for heaven (or for some reason just didn't want to go).

Hell was later fabricated by the proponents of the religions as a scare tactic. What better way to get followers than by giving them DIRE consequences of terrible pain and torment if they DON'T follow it? It was ingenious. Sick and twisted, but ingenious.

Regardless, as far as I'm aware, hell is not real. The closest we have to hell is Earth and reincarnation. Forgetting who we are over and over, having to learn everything over again, finding love again, feeling a false sense of loneliness, separation, etc. This could certainly be viewed as a type of hell.
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