Thread: good books
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Old 14-08-2020, 11:57 PM
Found Goat Found Goat is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 196
Within the plethora of material that exists on the CE4 phenomenon, Unholy Communion (2010) is a rarity, as its take on the Grays and their ilk is one highly critical of the motivations of these entities.

Unholy Communion was authored by David Ruffino and Joseph Jordan; the latter, a pastor and member of MUFON at the time this collaborative effort was published.

This fascinating and one-of-a-kind book tells of their appearances at UFO conferences; in attendance to present their own (unpopular) take on Alien Abductions; of the existence of counseling and crisis centers for victims of the experience.

Many have been taught that the so-called visitors are spiritually advanced beings, whose overall purpose here on earth is to facilitate mankind's evolution. There are those who even look up to these nonhuman creatures in an idolatrous manner, viewing them as our potential saviors.

The authors of Unholy Communion beg to differ.

What these authors have unearthed is the commonality among many Alien Abductees (AAs), of their at one time or another having dabbled in the occult, whether via the Tarot or the Ouija. In the cases of which no previous occult interest has been found in the memories of the experiencer, the tracing of one's family history has uncovered parents who were either involved or had an interest in such matters.

Ruffino and Jordan reject the ancient astronauts theory, which alternative thinkers like von Daniken and Stitchin have proposed; firm they are in their belief these otherworldly visitations of yore having been supernatural in nature as opposed to interplanetary.

Here, I had always assumed that, for the sake of argument, if one was to accept the Genesis account as true, that the sin of the first human pair must have ended up corrupting all intelligent life forms in the universe, and not just earthly descendants: hence, the reason for the Lord's divine plan to create both a new heaven (i.e. outer space) as well as a new earth -- so as to restore universal creation to perfection and put an end to entropy. The authors disagree, and conclude that mankind is the only fallen race and therefore, by extension, the only intelligent species inhabiting the cosmos. (Personally, I'm not so sure of that.)

Do these alien visitors know God? Do they ever speak of God? Ruffino/Jordan note that they do not, and observe how they instead preach an alien gospel, whereby one can supposedly attain christ consciousness and either become "a" god or "the" God. This was the sin of pride that befell Lucifer.

The ETs, the authors comment, are the inspiration behind environmentalism, in which mother Gaia is worshipped instead of the Creator, and via the channel of New Age doctrines, a one-world religion is envisioned, in keeping with their nefarious NWO agenda. (Whether the literate and articulate ministers of this "alien" gospel are intelligence agents in disguise, working in lockstep, or unwitting conduits of this agenda, is anyone's guess.)

At the very core of the alien gospel, according to the authors, are lies and deception. These beings, the authors opine, are from a spiritual dimension, what with some of their activity not obeying the laws of physics. Many AAs report being taken to underground bases where men in military fatigues are sometimes present, or to submersible vehicles within the watery abyss.

In the Bible, entities of this nature are referred to as principalities, who have either been on Earth or reside in the vicinity of it, at least since the dawn of civilization. Does the Breeding Program which Genesis alludes to continue to this day, in the form of alien-human hybrids, bred to do the bidding of their fallen masters?

It's of interest to note that at least one UFO researcher, the late John Keel, in his later years had confessed to his feeling that ufology was just another name for demonology.

The authors are self-identifying Christians, so already this book is sure to turn off the majority of potential readers. But when Unholy Communion is read with an open mind, it certainly presents a strong case for its position.

The chapter-length testimonies of various AAs included near the end of the book are especially telling. These are people who, rather than shrugging off their violative experiences and giving in to Stockholm Syndrome, had simply wanted their terrifying encounters with the Grays and their ilk to end. Their success in finally ridding their lives of the ET presence, they say, can be credited to a powerful source and one source only: Their having called on the name of Jesus.

Make of this what you will.
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