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Old 02-04-2021, 03:41 PM
Lord_Viskey Lord_Viskey is offline
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So, in taking native spirit's "request for this courtesy" (stop using quotes) to heart, and to follow up with iamthat's posts #67 & #73, I find the principle to be equally applicable to our discussion on the whole. That, I'll explain in a moment.

But first I just want to remind us that this thread is framed as: Your theories of "God and the After Life" (in the popular sense of the term) - and not as "God and the During Life" (such as the "lessons of becoming" an Initiate or a Master while we live and breathe would be).

Personally, I've found it somewhat curious - (often tedious) - that everyone chooses to focus on the duties and obligations of the "fleshy expression of man" while simultaneously denying the duties and obligations of that man's spirit to its flesh, in its own sense (so long as the temporal "life expectancy" demands). Therefore, this thread's insinuation of "Afterlife" comes as a far more refreshing focus to me, personally speaking.

Are we, as human beings, to believe that the entire balance of our own little universe hinges souly on the duties and obligations of the most fragile and finite aspect of reality - the creature of matter that we are?

I choose to not put so much burden on the "wee little folk" of physical reality - so much so as to entirely negate the contribution of soul and its spirit to the same "inseparable triune collective" of this existence. In other words, I do not see the spirit as some kind of deity that rewards its flesh for merely doing good deeds. Rather, I see my spirit as the "occult instrument" having the innate ability to blend all those components of our Personal Atom into the more permanent being of its origin (i.e.: the "originally eternal" soul/spirit).

Human reference to the dynamic between self and spirit is akin to witnessing a "cloud-to-ground lightning flash" in the physical realm. While the part you see actually comes from the ground up, it is the path the electricity takes that originates from the cloud. Similarily, we see what human behavior manifests as from the opacity of its physical presence, but it is the invisible spirit that sets the course for how we are seen as an entity with any particular personality or characteristic -

Spirit chooses the manner of integration for our volition and affections that our flesh ultimately makes its "visual" presentations of.

For me to recognize my own self perpetuating energy, I often depend on the axim that collectively, we are a :

"...spirit supporting self supporting spirit supporting self..."

- an infinite sentence if you will, having no period in it that would denote an end to such a self evident truth.

So, as regards the administrator's principle of "please stop using quotes" ... in similar fashion, our spirit absorbs all the thoughts and behaviors "as the flesh operates on" and practices as its "diligent habits" throughout life. In the exact same sense, this is an example of truncating all of our personal humanly knowledge and experiences - there is no need to keep placing "markers" down once the "gist of the matter" is absorbed into the soul. In effect, the spirit "installs" these phenomena into our "personal subconscious" - thus via its own methodology, continuously rebuilding the Personal Atom of its soul.

This has been precisely, the dynamic that my infinity studies takes into account as I reference the purposes and objectives of sentient intelligence as an operational instrument of evolutionary development.

In the substance of my own Infinity Studies and in a manner of speaking, I have paraphrased "please stop using quotes," because as the spirit evolves and transforms the soul, in its ever onward journey, those "quotable ideals" have become inducted; relegated into the substance of our Personal Atom. To keep making reference to them becomes a "redundancy" and is the same as reflecting on what keeps driving us forward, instead of just "driving foreword" in the profundity of the knowledge itself.

I have labeled each of the soul's (so-called) "unnecessary quotes" as an "Absurdity." The "absurdities" are merely all of that which we've determined (in our Personal Atom) as a useful motivator that no longer requires its referential marker - it is now "built into our soul," so there is no longer a need to dwell on it as a referential influence; or indeed, as a symbol in and of itself. It is ingrained ... and our spirit has made this so. That is how I see the operational factor of "Appearance" in reference to iamthat's post #73

That triplicity of "Life-Quality-Appearence" may appear to originate with the behaviors of the flesh, but it is the spirit that integrates these "substances" into our soul. Each one of our own spiritual heritages has built within it, the "elegant simplicity" of Alice Bailey's Secret Doctrine's teachings, and as H.P. Blavtsky indicates, a relationship as well, to our own "Lords of Knowledge", "Lords of Love", and "Lords of Sacrifice" - the "Egoic Lotus". Humanly, we unravel those petals to some extent, every day so as to ultimately take our places in that "afterlife" community hovering in the illumination of Divinity as was intended before history began setting it's own markers that humankind would rather "reflect" on, than to simply "install" into the Personal Atom and move on with.

The preceeding is just a personal observation that makes sense to me. Might not be everyone's cup of tea though.
What is Love ... ?
It is "The Wisdom for the Desire To Return To Purity."
quoted by : "Sophia Of God"
written in the : "Chamber of Eternity"
witnessed by : "Alpha & Omega"
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