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Old 12-04-2022, 04:21 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 727
Defect looking for a character.

The most ancient science of meditation has been upfront in my being able to resurrect a character that lay deeply embedded within my innermost being.
The defect needed the discipline of daily meditation in order for the hidden character to begin emerging from the wings of inner hurt and a painful emotional illness.

This most ancient science in many ways saved my life, and further brought about the realization and the dawning of an inner divine resident, which I discovered was in truth my immortal divine soul.

Soul realization has brought me to the understanding of the total connectivity of all life universally, every human being is fully connected to the 7.7 billion other souls without a atom of distance between any one of us, we are all totally and absolutely connected and interconnected to each and everyone of us.

To put this in QUANTUM SPEAK we are all hopelessly quantum entanglement
with each other.

regards michael.
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