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Old 08-12-2020, 03:43 AM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Originally Posted by CosmicWonder
Hii all,

What about getting your frequency so incredibly high and then changing it all? Just for a moment getting on that level. I think the highest I can get with my potential is society level or maybe even some deeper stuff... and prob as I adapt to it even further. However it is a steep learning curve about “what you want”...

I only believe in LOA in phases btw lol. Currently I believe in it.
Your vibration naturally raises. It's about finding ways to release resistance and enjoy life thus more, in the moment, however, whyever. Simply to enjoy life more fully in the moment. Feel emotionally better. Endless many ways to go about it.
It doesn't matter how high your vibration is or low. You can always find a releasing of resistance. You can always feel and sense your energy motional relativity to your ever expanding greater non-physical source consciousness, by virtue of your valuable emotional guidance system.
So you can always enjoy your existence, your beingness, more and more fully, more and more enjoyably.
Life always helps you know what you want. And as you then find ways to align with what it is you want and prefer and enjoy more fully. You simply choose to enjoy life more however, whyever.
Cause when you enjoy life, the rest is taken care of. You will always expand. And evolve and grow. And rise in frequency.
If something feels like a good idea. And it sounds good. That thought alone may be the only thing that needs to be enjoyed in that moment. Its all about the joy and good feeling allowed flow of energy and becoming and allowed realisation of your being and becoming that is always happening evermore here and now.
You dont need to get anything done, because you will never ever get it done. You will always exist and your reality will always change. It is about enjoying these ongoing changes and new realities that are always available to you here and now in your evermore natural and effortless and joyful greater allowed realisation of all that you and all truely are being and becoming evermore here and now, also through you, with you, for you, as you, by you, etc.
As all is one and one is all.
You are always gonna change the reality. And the reality is always gonna change you. But how much are you allowing? How much do you want to allow. Rather, what do you want to allow. The path of lesser resistance = the path of least resistance.
Can you enjoy it more? Yes always. You allow the energy to flow. And you relax your awareness into your being and becoming evermore here and now. And you stay tuned to your source energy, indicated by your emotional guidance system. To let you know always, how you are doing in summoning the energy and allowing it to flow.
If you summon more energy and focus more and raise your frequency and expand... Then you also have to be more in tune and sensitive to your emotional guidance system. This is a natural by product of allowing yourself to feel better, most of all, naturally evermore here and now.
Rather let the raising of frequency be inspired by natural law. And simply enjoy life in whatever way you can/want and the rest takes care of itself and by itself.
If you try to get ahead of yourself, it means you're asking for something you do not want.
Often people say, well I do want it. But they are not happy... So thats the point. To enjoy life. Then you will be able to enjoy life more. Because you're already using up what you've got. So you can get more! So the more you enjoy reality the more you can receive more of reality.
Sure everyone wants more more more. But the moreness has no point if you dont enjoy it. And it also wont come because it would be a waste and suffering the energy is a waste.
And thats good cause in the end its all about simply enjoying life. And then the moreness of that enjoyment is a natural by product. You will always be able to enjoy life more. That is the whole point of existence.
It isnt about a condition. The conditions will always change. It is about how much you enjoy those changes. That is the whole point. The whole naturally evermore effortlessly freely and joyfully ever expanding point of all that exists as it all exists here and now and is all of it being and becoming evermore naturally and effortlessly and joyfully here and now.
The more you allow life the more you enjoy it. Let the point be about how you feel emotionally. Stay in that balanced sweetspot. You simply do it for the joy. Then the conditions will reflect that. If you make the conditions the point, you put the breaks on everything and it will slow you down in painful ways. Because there is no condition that exists outside of the one you allow to be realised by you. So allow your natural joy to be evermore greaterly allowedly by youly to be realisedly evermorely effortlessly and naturally and freely and joyfully in your evermorely being and becomingly evermorely here and nowly.
If you keep it simple like that it just keeps on expanding endlessly. Naturally effortlessly.
Evermore perfectly balancedly evermore fully sublimely rapturously blissfully naturally and effortlessly. And you just allow all of that and enjoy all of that, evermore unconditionally, regardless of any and all conditions, under any and all conditions, unconditionally, energy motionally, emotionally always evermore fully capable of allowing your evermore natural and effortless greater allowed realisation of any and all things that you may want to be do or have as you and all are being and becoming the everexpanding moreness of all of it evermore naturally and effortlessly and joyfully and freely here and now.
You just flow with the energy and allow it to flow from within so too from without. Always in perfect balance and always in perfect joy. Naturally and effortlessly. To allow. Do nothing and leave nothing undone. As all of existence is being and becoming evermore here and now, through you, with you, for you, by you, as you, etc. And on you go, enjoy life and expand, naturally, effortlessly, joyfully, freely.
Sharing perspective.
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