Thread: Matthew...
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Old 18-06-2020, 10:37 AM
Posts: n/a
And so because of everything that happened with both Matthew and Paul , when I went to bed, exhausted , yesterday , I closed my eyes and had a mental conversation with Matthew. I thanked him for his intervention, acknowledged that I understood his intervention, told him I felt honoured that he felt me "worthy" of his intervention. Bearing in mind, it was still daylight at this point, which even with closed eyes, it is still quite light. But after I had spoken, the light dissapeared , and it was as though I was looking at a very dark sky. And all I could see was a beautiful strip of pure gold going across the sky , a bit like a comet, but pure gold in colour, and so vivid. I'm not quite sure what this was, but would like to think I was being shown Paul, on his journey , in the colour that is do befitting of him. All amazing,and all very beautiful.
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