Thread: Matthew...
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Old 18-06-2020, 09:00 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by ketzer
Yes, we tend to fear and hate death, yet if there were no death, there could be no life. What you wish to show them, you cannot show anyone for it exists within you and cannot be conveyed in words or images. One can point, but a finger is not the moon, yet many will get confused and mistake the finger for the moon. If they wish to see what you wish to show them, they must look and see it for themselves. Some will refuse to look insisting it is not there and so it is a silly waste of time. Others will look but get stuck looking at the finger and trying to understand it instead of looking to where it points and seeing the moon. Others will open their mind and explore within themselves until they see what it is that others are telling them is there within themselves and within us all.

No matter which rout they take through life, all lead to the same destination, only the experience of the journey differs. As to which experience is better than another, I cannot say.

Anyway, it sounds like it was nice of Matthew to drop a little trail marker to @elfin to help point the direction. Hopefully, if she feels a bit lost at times, she can use it to recognize the trail.
Hi Ketzer, and Thank You for your message. I wholeheartedly agree, without death there would be no life. Beautifully put. And I love your analogy of the finger and the moon. This is a bit "off piste" ... But I have a favourite thing, when someone gets angry, and starts waving the "finger" of blame at you I say to them.... " Don't you point your finger of blame at me.... See how many of your fingers are pointing at yourself!".....I love that as they realise at least 3 are pointing back at themselves !!!!!! With regard to Matthew , I fully understand, and there is a little more to add which I will relate in a while. But thank you very much , and on this occassion I will not get the fly swot out !!!!! x
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