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Old 01-07-2021, 06:19 AM
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Originally Posted by JustASimpleGuy
"Witness" is just a hook to hang one's hat on for the purpose of discussion.
Many years ago a wise man said to me, "Change the word, change the paradigm" and I've been careful ever since. Words and consciousness go around in a merry dance. Even more so this past year or so, guess I'm a little protective still. One of the reasons I wouldn't use 'Witness' in this context is because the Witnessed is the one who Witnesses and for me it's back to the ego by any other name. It's not a criticism but just what works for me. I don't have an issue with the ego and I quite like mine, but sometimes a dictionary is needed that goes into different territory.

I'm not keen on phrases like "I Am That" or "That Thou Art" because sometimes it can open up the doors for creating and projecting a false self-image, just like the term 'Spiritual Being'.

For me the "Knowing beyond words" is Gnosis, which is a kind if 'levelled up' deep understanding. What I was talking about wasn't knowing but more of a state of existence or being. And maybe I am being picky but it helps me understand. I know how easy it is for the mind to create a reality and have realisations within that reality.
Originally Posted by JustASimpleGuy
From my perspective two practices from different traditions point to the exact same end and I would phrase that end as liberation from the limitations of individuated being.
"The individuation is an autonomous process of accomplishing of the individual wholeness experienced as a psychological completeness. In Jung's terms, the individuation means the realization of the Self, which is the conjunction of the conscious and the unconscious. In the practical accomplishment of this goal, the interpretation of the dreams plays a dominant role because dreams are the expression of the unconscious , both of the personal and of the collective one."
Carl Jung

Personal Spirituality is the "What?" and psychology is the "How?" The consensus of opinion seems to be that Atman is the self, and Jung described the self as "The God inside."
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