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Old 16-12-2023, 05:48 PM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is online now
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Originally Posted by ThatMan
Freud used to say. If you run like a bulldozer you will sleep like a bulldozer. If you run easily you will sleep easily.

what i thought when i saw this is, it seems so true, that the attitudes/feelings I have during the day carry into the night. It is like what I don't have I won't have and what I do have I will have. It isn't like, I can work really hard during the day and then just shed that at night?

and for me this carries over into the alternate meaning for 'sleep' as well... I feel like, right now I am awake, aware, somewhat able to interact with my surroundings. But I feel like, either later in this life or in some future life I will let go of that for a while, and go back to 'sleep' where I'm not so awake/aware/able to interact. But I'll still be a person with personallities walking around and doing stuff kinda mechanically and following the normal day/night schedule even though I'm 'asleep'.

Personally I think it comes in cycles but the cylces are usually longer than what we would consider a single lifetime so it isn't something 'scientists' could study lol...

anyway the feelings/attitudes I have now I'll have then, and inasmuch as I hate it now, I will hate it then.

i found though that isn't a very good basis for activity. Because if I run around now, deliberately trying to garner feelings/attitudes that I want for later... that is also what I'll do later.

The tao te ching said, one of the most precious things is knowledge of when to just stop. lol.
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