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Old 01-12-2020, 12:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Gem
Lately there are a number of threads detailing conspiracy thinking and reactive tendencies toward C19. If there is conspiracy thoughts I reflect upon the troublesome nature of thought fabrication. This then relates directly to the reactivity which is the impetus to generate such thoughts.

I'm sure we all succumb to thoughts that trouble us. Distressing imaginings, self-image, and self-narrative is there because 'I' am always at the epicentre of psychological reactivity. I say this because where the disease is of concern, healing is relevant - and I don't mean healing this sickness or any other - I mean purification on the whole. Most of us (all) have blockages within the life form as emotional life issues that also manifest in density of the body expressed through posture and conduct. The purification regards the unbinding of these blockages and the influx of light to spaces where densities previously existed.

How? Teachers say imagine light or breath into it or some such thing, and it's very helpful, but there is a more endemic quality to the motive for remedies which isn't altogether benign: one's aversion toward the issue. The motive for purification is in itself wholesome, but aversion toward the issue is ill-willed. If we can see how we have hatred toward the issues, then we come closer to the subtler root of the dilemma.

Of course any one of us can recognise the trauma, the worry, the self worth, the self-defeating narrative and feeling blocked up, and we can feel the density within our bodies. When we recognise our own such issues, we react adversely to them and yearn for the relief. But that which is true of you is not to be hated anymore and the desire for it to be otherwise is not necessary. In Buddhist lingo, this absence of 'aversion toward' and 'desire for' is called 'equanimity', and the state of equanimity is referred to as pure awareness or pure observation because you are simply aware 'it's like this'.

If you followed this along, you will probably be wondering, but how to purify the blockages and undergo the healing? My point is there are any of 101 things to be done, but whichever strategy is undertaken, there is a single underlying principle that essential to them all. My claim is, equanimity is the single-most fundamental key to purification, and essentially, mindfulness is the practice of equanimity.

The first practice I started in earnest almost a dozen years ago was Vipassana calm-abiding meditation. Being a simple guy I take the simplest of approaches and that's let the technique do all the work. In essence it's taking advantage of mechanisms of neuroplasticity. It's literally rewiring one's brain.

I don't worry about a goal or what needs to be fixed but just trust the practice and the process to do its magic. Attend an object (sensations of breath) and when the object is no longer in evidence because of distraction (noise, itch, thought, whatever) gently let the distraction go and without judgment (I'm terrible at this, I'll never progress, it's boring, etc...) and bring attention back to the object of attending.

If practiced properly and diligently equanimity is the natural outcome, and the more one practices the more that quality manifests outside of formal sitting. It becomes more and more a natural state of being.
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