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Old 19-04-2018, 03:47 AM
Crowzie Crowzie is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: In the Void
Posts: 59
Originally Posted by Miharo
I guess most people are afraid to really connect, as it would mean to open up and be vulnerable .. thank to social media it's easy to hide and keep it superficial.
It's actually really sad, as I think most people crave real connections.

There's a saying that people can meet you only as deep as they have met themselves. I found that to be very true, as many are disconnected from themselves, often without even knowing it.

Most people have never been taught how to be vulnerable and live with an open heart or mind. We've never been taught the art of self-love or authenticity. So it's hard to feel any sort of connection to anyone if you aren't connected to yourself first. And when you are, it's spun as being selfish or conceited. Our parents are damaged goods usually, so we continue the generational legacy of being broken people.

You're right. Social media doesn't help. It fuels the false, narcissistic love many of us mistake for self-love. Thing is, how do they that it isn't real when that's all they've been taught? It's sad that connections through social media deceive many people that use these platforms to form relationships. Many people don't know how deep true connections can run. So they settle for vapid facades.

Even though many people are searching for deep, meaningful connections, I don't feel like they are actually ready to do the self-work needed for these relationships to form or to thrive.

Originally Posted by Universal.Vibe

Its my life goal, to help bring unity to the world.

Paradoxically, I feel like I can't relate to the majority of people that are in my life right now. However, I feel the same way you do. I feel like I'm alive here on Earth to help others heal, and reunite in harmony. I feel intrinsically connected to everyone through Source, and wish to inspire others to re-connect with their divinity.
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