Thread: Contemplation
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Old 01-07-2016, 10:41 AM
shivatar shivatar is offline
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Although our soul is eternal, our mind, our memories, only lives once. When a person dies, that mother ****er is DEAD bruh, dead. Their soul energy has returned to oneness, and the you that you knew for so long, is gone. You can cry for that, that is totally justified. This is a common eastern belief, that our mind is true as us, a limited and finite form of us, the peak of our pyramid so to say, and that although our souls is eternal, the truth of this life, this mind, this ego, is no less real than the greater beyond, what you call "beyond the illusion".

What you forget, is that the beliefs you hold so dear, are only one path to the divine gate. And it is a common path, and apparently has yielded fruit for you, so you become convinced the otherside is real, that beyond is real, and that form is not real. But this is just one of the many paths, and not necessarily the right or better or best one, it is just another one, and you seem to have forgotten that.

In my world, the yin and yang, are both expressions of infinity. The world of form is as real to me as the beyond. Those who cry, they are in my world of forms, and they are not practicing beyond as a way to reach self-realization or to understand God and spirituality. Also it's helpeful to think of people as on a spectrum, rarely is someone entirely yin or yang, most have a little of both. Perhaps you want to cry deep down, but because the formless fruit has been so sweet, you deny the pleasure and the pain that comes with it.
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