Thread: Hell
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Old 22-03-2023, 06:52 AM
Maisy Maisy is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 1,607
Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
i agree with that. But I find it hard to decipher what god wants.

I was thinking that when I read that quote from Jesus. He said to do God's will. How do we know what God's will is? Do I become a Police Officer or a Teacher or a Priest or Nun? Do I have kids or not? Which is God's will?

From reading everything Jesus said, seems to me God's will is treating others with love. That's all that matters. Maybe pick a profession where you help others? Really we can help others and love them in a lot of ways. Pretty much in almost all professions.

Sadly so many ways people make money these days is ripping off other people. Help and care for others. That is God's will I think. See God in everyone and love them.

Even if you were a hermit living in a cave you can do God's will by being a point of love in the world. Love the plants and animals around you. Love the stranger who wonders by. Love the sky and earth and trees. If you are filled with love you are filled with God.
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