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Old 25-07-2021, 08:41 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by A human Being
'Many people get confused about speaking the truth; they think speaking the truth means saying whatever it is you're feeling egoically, and that's not speaking the truth, that's vomiting your ego on the world - that's being a slave to your ego, that's being a victim.'
I find these kinds of out-porings brilliant because if your Craig Holliday knew so much about the ego, he'd realise that what he's talking about here is not Spirituality but pseudo-psychoanalysis. And this is what's in HIS ego. Unless people have some knowledge of psychology the discussion of the ego is just more ego-vomit, and wearing the label doesn't qualify anyone.

So in all honesty, in the discussion of ego how many people are talking about something that they've made up themselves?

If the discussion is one of Spirituality and not psychology then the subject discussion should be about the Sanskrit Ahamkara, because that is the wisdom of the ancients. Ahamkara is known as the I-Maker or the "I of invented things." Aham means 'I' and a kara is an 'invented thing', something that is created from perceptual reality and has no place in Absolute Reality. Which is what the ego is.

Last edited by Greenslade : 25-07-2021 at 09:39 AM.
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