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Old 08-04-2020, 04:10 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by BJAsapace
I think I have Asperger's because I associate with a lot of the traits but I've never been diagnosed. I read that people with Asperger's may be crystal children.

Self diagnosed Aspergers myself 5yrs ago,

BUT i don't have Aspergers.

Just another human label at the end of the day.

People look for answers as to the reason why they don't fit in,so they think Aspergers and then look at traits such as new age eg:crystal child etc.

I never fitted in cause i'm a free spirit,highly sensitive to energy and really don't gel with this male macho misguided egocentric,capitalistic,materialistic,greedy,money driven system.

There are also other factors to consider such as childhood trauma,abandonment,lack of nurturing etc,as to not fitting in etc.

The end goal is to just accept yourself as you are and just know that your living amongst the majority who are blind sheep.

And just beat life to the tune of your own drum.
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