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Old 04-12-2018, 08:52 PM
RadiantPearl RadiantPearl is offline
Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 88
Gifts and my mom

Why do some people have natural gifts and others have to work for their gifts? Because I have done absolutely nothing to develop my gifts but they just popped up one day. I joined this forum and I’ve been very scared to share a lot of my experiences but I’m being more open now because I really need help.

Can someone also explain this to me please? My mom recently just had a heart attack about 7 months ago and I’ve been sensing her energy involuntarily. Im feeling some sort of weak energy around her but I don’t know if her energy is weak from the heart attack or if she is upset and not telling me? Maybe someone could explain how energies work and how to tell the difference between them?
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