Thread: Distance Reiki
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Old 12-10-2010, 08:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Virtuality
Hey Light

You don't need to do anything wrong to get sued, any time you deal with people it becomes a possiblity. Some people are just out to make a buck and they make some stuff up. It doesn't matter if you make no claims or offer your service for free. People "slip and fall" outside shopping malls in the winter all the time and sue the owner or the chain store... or walk behind cars in the parking lot on purpose... or spill coffee on themselves. There is also the off-chance that your table breaks and hurts someone, they trip and fall over a rug or whatever.

The problem is this: even if you win you still have to pay a lot just to defend yourself. That is where insurance comes in handy. It hasnt happened to me knock on wood... but i've seen horrible things happen to other people.

Sorry for my paranoia... I spent a few too many years in the construction industry I think :)

Hi Virtuality.

Everything you say is so true. This is the modern world in which we live in and I guess we have to live with that fact. Certainly feel more secure with having insurance than being without.

Take care out there friends.

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