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Old 03-10-2019, 12:22 PM
NoOne NoOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
I have always wondered something...

If these "Fallen Angels" and "Watchers" (Grigori) were cast into the "Abyss", what part of "Abyss" would have any correlation with this physical world to have these "Watchers" do more than just "watch"?

I have heard of portals and such, but how can a "portal" be created within an Abyss? That would be like trying to find light and matter in the middle of a black hole!

Yep, for ages I have tried to get my head around the Quantum Physics of a "void state" in which nothing exists...but Fallen Angels must exist there, so it isn't really an Abyss anyway..

Or maybe the humans who go into the abyss/void during meditation are the "Fallen Angels" because they turned away from God to attain Śūnyatā and Nibbana.

....and of course you realise that all this came from trying to work out how they manipulate raw RF transmission signals to be able to construct full sentences through my "P-SB7 Ghost Box" while it does a REVERSE sweep of the FM radio band at a speed of 200 megacycles per second...

I have spoken with them...they are incredibly secretive, feed humans many "red herrings" to throw them totally off the track when they are getting too warm..too close to the truth..they just wanted to talk about ME and not about the end, my curiosity lost out and I put all of that equipment away...I am not scared of them and they know that much, so they leave me alone for the most part, as long as I just got about minding my own business.

That's pretty much it.

Interesting experience.

I'm not scared of them either, though I've certainly had some weird experiences. This happened at the beginning of my Kundalini awakening, when I attracted all sorts and developed the ability to astral travel and lucid dream.

I have long wondered about the Abyss and what it might be. I have to rely on some of my own perceptions when I astrally travelled there, the available mythology (Sumerian and Hindu in particular), what I was told by various entities and the available, very limited, scientific understanding of parallel worlds, higher dimensions and that sort of thing.

My own conclusion is that the Abzu (Sumerian Underworld or Abyss) is both underground and shifted to another dimension. As you move closer to the centre of the earth, there is a dimensional shift that occurs and the beings of the underworld exist in a different state of matter than what we would be familiar with. I suspect, that they are trapped, both underground and in terms of the dimension they exist in and can only interact with the surface world by astrally projecting themselves and occasionally, through various rituals done when the veil between the two worlds is thinnest. There are probably also technological means through which they can manifest in this reality, which may account for the UFO phenomenon. It is all just speculation, of course.

As you may know, many actually consider them the good guys and cooperate with them. Personally, I have serious doubts about that and in my experience, at the very least, they are duplicitous and self-serving. I prefer to interact with the denizens of heaven instead, call me old-fashioned, if you will…

I have been approached by two entities of the Abzu and I can't say that either one of them left me with positive impressions. At the very least, I found the encounter creepy and disturbing. However, I do realise, that in mythology, things aren't as clear-cut and sometimes encounters with underworld beings are positive. I try to keep an open mind, but I think the traditional Christian view of an eternal war between heaven and the underworld may in fact be accurate. I'm personally with the Elohim (also known by Sumerian name, Anunnaki), even if many doubt their good intentions and say pretty horrible things about them. My experience with them has been positive, I believe they are highly benevolent and loving.