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Old 02-01-2021, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by ameliorate
No - well, not in detail. I realise he made great strides through personal enquiry but what I know of him largely springs from his dedication to meditation, the experience of which must surely have enabled his enlightenment.

Here's the Advaita take on it and mine as well. Meditation (Raja Yoga) and action (Krama Yoga) are important but supporting practices and knowledge (Jnana Yoga) is the main practice. Raja Yoga brings clarity and Karma Yoga purity to mind, plowing and fertilizing it for the seed of knowledge that removes ignorance.

As I understand Ramana Maharshi's main teaching technique was silence. His secondary teaching technique was self-inquiry via negation (Neti Neti). Follow the feeling of "I Am" and if it can be identified, pointed to be it body, mind, thoughts, emotions, title, job, gender, whatever negate it, and eventually everything is negated and all that remains is That which everything that can be identified and negated appears within. The only thing that can be said about It is That Thou Art.
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