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Old 05-03-2014, 04:00 PM
Morpheus Morpheus is offline
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The saying is... There is no past, there is no future... there is only the Present. There is only "Now". But, is that really the case..?

Here is a Nova presentation on YouTube, about "Time".
Hosted by Physicist Brian Green, and involving Max Tedmark of, "The Mathematical Universe" fame.
(Simply type in, "YouTube, Nova"... where you can see Physicist Brian Green standing before an "imaginary" loaf of Bread.
The staff on this forum has a problem with posting the link, apparently.

In 1999, the same year "The Matrix" was released, and 2 other similar movies, Physicist Julian Barbour's book was released also, entitled, "The End of Time".

In the above video, the analogy is made of how someone traveling at "Lightspeed", if they were to take a trip in space and return, while it may seem only a few hours to them upon return, decades may have actually passed on Earth. This situation has already been proven, involving a clock placed and measured in a satellite in orbit.

Also is made the analogy that if an individual were to do so, if they were able to somehow percieve the goings on of the Earth as they were receding away from it... if they changed their angle of direction just a bit while moving away from us, they may be percieving not our "Present" here, but they would be percieving our future.

Not this "Now"... but a future, "Now".

What does this understanding do, but confirm the Bible's statements about Destiny, Predestination, and concerning the, "Elect"?
Fore Ordination, and involving, Biblical Prophecy?

Because from another perspective, apart from Earth time, our future has actually already occurred.
In fact, the Wachowski's in their work of "The Matrix", are more than mere creators of entertainment, as, they had accurately illustrated to the public the modern Scientific theories discovered. Which do confirm the ancient teachings about the, "World", and material reality.
Such as Siddartha the Buddha also found and taught.
"You've been living in a dream world, Neo"... "a prison for your mind."
(The Matrix, 1999)

If time and space are illusory then, which has been stated in Science since Einstein, and we as physical organisms have developed in evolutionary manner through time... what are we doing here, then? What is the true situation?
Which same question beckons the realization of, "A Fall", and that our true origins and actual situation involves the timeless, or... Eternity.

It has been stated in popular entertainment for a while now, that... "We are spirits living in the material world".

Einstein also stated that...
"Time and space are modes in which we think, and not conditions in which we (actually) live."

"I believe there are two sides to the phenomena known as death. This side where we live, and the other side, where we shall continue to live.
Eternity does not start with death.
We are in eternity now." - Norman Vincent Peale

"There is no place in this new kind of physics for both the field and matter, for the field is the only reality." - A. Einstein
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