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Old 16-06-2021, 07:34 PM
ScientificExplorer ScientificExplorer is offline
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Posts: 178
Talking Screw the 4:00AM Method!

Do you find yourself tired and FRUSTRATED of not being able to wake up at 4:00 am or so in order to practice your meditation for out-of-body exploration?

The problem

In the modern world is that we have to wake up early to work.

If I wake up at 4:00, breaking my sleeping pattern with 2 alarms. I get less energy in the morning.

That's why most of us, that have a hard time meditating, get low to zero results at all!

Sometimes we don't even bother to wake up at 4:00 am.

"I don't feel motivated" "I don't understand why I can't seem to wake up consistently every day" "Maybe I have to try harder".

But that negative pattern never changes...

You get super frustrated and hating yourself for not being able to do it consistently.

You read all the books in the world, but you just can't do the action.

I think that this is truly a common problem that most of us face, but don't talk about it.

The Solution

Wake up at 5:00 AM in order to start the day with 1 alarm.

Don't even bother to break again your sleep pattern.

Do your work, business, study from 5:00 AM - 14:00PM. Give it all in your human life.

You will be SUPER-TIRED by 14:00PM after taking the lunch.

Then, from 14:00 PM-16:30 PM, you can take this NAP Time... Into your new Meditation Time for Out body practice!

You will do it virtually every day because you will be so extremely tired, after working /studying all morning non-stop.

Then the Method for Out body exploration is:

1) Listen for 30 Minutes a GREAT Guided Mediation with Binaural Beats with headphones

2) The Guided meditations are NOT going to give you the out-of-body experience itself. The purpose of the guided meditation is just to get your mind/body set & ready.

3) After finishing the guided meditations. Take the headphones out. And then go to take the nap.
With your imagination, you have to do the "Target Technique". It means to go throughout your house like if you were physically doing it for real. Touching, Smelling, Walking, Seeing all the details and objects of your house.

4) Then, Your Physical Body will fall down to Sleep AND Your conscious awareness will split up into your non-physical body at the same time.
This is a key element to understand.
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