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Old 13-12-2011, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by mickiel
It is habitually said that God cannot be proven, something which I seriously disagree with. But people have said this so long, its dug into their unbelief system. But I often claim that God can be proven in a belief system; and I will list 100 proofs as a " Start;" because there are far more than 100. These are ways to prove God to yourself; in no certain order;

1. Consciousness. A stunning proof of God. No matter how life reproduces itself, only one kind can produce its kind! No Zebra can produce an elephant, and no ape can produce a human. Nothing unconscious can produce consciousness. Consciousness was produced by a consciousness. Intelligent thinking was began by intelligent thinking. Consciousness can only be traced by consciousness, consciousness can only be understood by consciousness, and consciousness can only be reproduced by consciousness; Thus consciousness in humans is a proof of a Conscious God.

The level of the power of consciousness reveals the orgin of consciousness to be on a far greater level, in order to produce consciousness. Meaning consciousness couldnot have began from things that are far " Less than it is itself." The orgin of consciousness must be greater than consciousness in order to produce it; which points directly to God.

2. Life. Life is proof of God, because life can only come from life; a simple fact which is undeniable. Life cannot be produced from absolute zero. In fact, nothing can be produced from absolute zero. There are no examples of life producing itself from nothing. Humanity woke up into conscious life years ago, and humans have been trying to figure out how and why ever since. The reason how and why has consistantly stared us in the face of our reason and points to God. And no matter how much we try to point to other things, it will always keep comming back to him.

I can list a counter agrument for every one of your "proofs". So how is it proof of your word, when mine completely dissagrees?
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