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Old 17-08-2021, 01:35 AM
Centered Centered is offline
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 43

Grounding light, into the matrix of the earths darkness, so we can all ascend back to oneness and remember our universal co-creative abilities.

Most have spiritual dementia, many chose to continue down this path via religious dogma's, but our calling to end this darkness/game/matrix has come to a close.
Remembering/awareness of who we truly are is happening as I'm typing this post. We can all feel it deep down if we just quite the mind, however the stories we've been told, and continue to tell each other anchor us in this matrix.
The truth/awareness for many millennia has been what we've been brainwashed to believe is reality, when the truth is we are all an equal slice of oneness, no more, no less.
Fear, division, sins, religions, or anything to control or anchor ones consciousness in a singular realm is in itself darkness. It's not bad or good, it just is what individuals souls choose to gravitate to, similar to an amusement park. The rides there are just for the thrill, the experience, but it doesn't make us better, wiser, higher or lower level, it just is.

People can believe in ascension or whatever they choose, all paths lead to the same place....unconditional oneness/love.
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