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Old 23-05-2021, 11:48 PM
PerennialStyxie PerennialStyxie is offline
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 34
-Stand and address your guides.
-Lean or sway fwd and tell them, "This is a Yes."
-Lean backward - tell them, "This is a No."
(Or sway L or R.)
-Ask them a yes or no question. "Should I move to NYC for that job?"
You will get a definite, unmistakable answer or sign.
Later, you can fine tune to a more subtle way a 'Yes or No' communication is given.
Lemme know how it goes. [/quote]

How do I address them? Do I day hello, guides?
Will they push me to the LR or fwd amd bk?
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