Thread: Insomnia
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Old 14-03-2021, 06:12 AM
o0A0o o0A0o is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 131
Make friends with all the entities, energies and annoyances along the way as you explore wicca or any other systems. Maintain your boundaries but be friendly. You are in control. When a loose dog comes up and wants attention what do you do? You can make friends or you can attempt to shoo it away. Dogs are "man's best friend" by nature. You are better off showing love than being mean. Beings want attention in any way they can get it. Negative finds negative. Love finds love. Spirit beings and other energies come in many forms including immaturity and lacking sophistication. Love either satisfies or it is a reaction they are not seeking and will move on. You could get bitten, you could just be acknowledged or you could be loved.

You might be imagining this whole spirit being contact. It could just be fidgeting. It doesn't matter. Accept it and it resolves itself. Resist it and it remains an annoyance.

Drinking water works wonders for sleep as well as wakefulness. Higher level vibratory energy travels through the water in our cells. Hydration relaxes while dehydration leads to unsettled disharmony. Don't be concerned that you will need to rise in the middle of the night to relieve your bladder. Just enjoy the benefits of wonderful hydration. I enjoyed my first induced conscious astral projection experience by drinking a lot of water before going to sleep. I was instructed to do this by angels my wife channeled. This was for a special exercise. It would be impractical to drink so much water as it inevitably requires a convenient restroom visit.

BTW they come in through the cells. My mind likes to focus it to a single spot but the single spot is actually a spot in each cell...."within" is still within, that within is just within every cell of the body rather than the heart or a specific chakra. Each cell has a full system of chakras. It is one of those things like finding the space of a universe inside someone when you would expect things to be confined.

Most of us do not ever drink as much as we need. We need to drink more frequently to maintain a higher level of hydration. I have noticed my perception of the world changes. I see colors more vividly and I hear clearer. If you want to enhance your sense of things here in the physical world and beyond it helps to have plenty of water in your body. And always remember you are in control. This is not The Outer Limits. You could and can always change the channel. Nothing takes control of you.


Last edited by o0A0o : 14-03-2021 at 07:11 AM.
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