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Old 27-11-2020, 11:23 PM
Nameless Nameless is offline
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November 27, 2020 2:54 PM = 11/27/20 = 2/9/2=13= 4 End 3:17 PM

I would like to channel the Light Collective and keep practicing my connection.

Thank you.

Today is bright and clear and the sun is shining down upon the earth. You should go outside and enjoy more of that today when we are finished here. It will help your body to heal itself. Even though you may not find sun, the sun is always shining down upon the earth and filtering down through the clouds and the winds, the fog and rain and sleet and snow.

And isn’t it glorious when the sun comes out again , even though it never left. The human mind cannot grasp the power of the sun and the energy that it has and how it is used in the human body. You are not plants but you have a similar photosynthesis system that absorbs the sun’s rays and your cells need the sun to manufacture this photosynthesis that is not photosynthesis (we know you are having a hard time with this word, but there is not human english translation for that which me mean and that is as close to it as we can get). This photosynthesis, metamorphosis, this translation of the light into light codes in your body is necessary for the human, is as necessary as your breath and water.

You know this, but we want to explain that staying inside all the time is not good for your body, no matter the weather. You were built to withstand a certain amount of weather, and with your inventions you can go outside in most weather conditions and it is a prescription we are giving to you today to make sure you get outside each day and greet the day with love, greet the nature with love, give it thanks for sheltering you all, as you all live in homes that are made out of nature, natural materials, whether man made or not, they all started with nature.

To go outside and greet the earth, greet the sun, greet the natural world, plugs you into the human light codes that are available to you. The sun gives you many gifts, the earth gives you many gifts, nature gives you many gifts. Being inside hides those gifts from you, like an unopened gift it falls away. Open your gift each day and you will reap the benefits, your body will reap the benefits.

Thank you.

Sunshine from the galactic sun is a different sort of sunshine. A more expansive sunshine, a cleaner sunshine, a brighter sunshine, a transformative sunshine, a breathtakingly beautiful sunshine that you cannot see or hear or taste or smell or touch, but your body has more senses than you can imagine, that you are not aware of, that can access this sunshine and use it in the way it was intended for your body to use it.

Sing today. You will enjoy it. Dance a bit, if you feel like it. Be happy, have faith, have hope, have love. Fill up your cup to overflowing, and give of yourself as it overflows.

Be at peace.

Thank you.
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