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Old 12-09-2020, 10:55 AM
Sylmar Sylmar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 517
Personally I don't think there are bad crystals. Their vibrations are too high for negativity to feel comfortable around them. Some do absorb negativity though and need to be cleansed but in my view they don't hold entities even though there might be an oversoul which can be contacted sometimes.

I think that what you feel is more like a strong vibration of overeagerness of the crystal to work with you. What might help you is to keep distanced from it for a while and stick to one crystal at a time for a while, one that makes you feel good and grounded. You might be overaccellerating your sensitivity to crystals, it has happened to me in the past. It's good to take time to learn as well as time to let it all sink in at times.
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