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Old 23-02-2015, 07:37 PM
Frederick33 Frederick33 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 830
3D science exposed to the light

here is a story written from a discussion I had with a non incarnated being
not sure who he was , I did not ask
the conversation took place some 20 years ago
it could be seen as a paradox but I am afraid its not and its far worse

but 1st the story , and an explanation after that.
in school they teach us numbers they start of with pictures of apples
they say 1 + 1 = 2
and teach it by showing one drawing of an apple next to an other and a + and than an = and than two apples
now let me think about this in a more close way if you go about saying 1 + 1 = 2
and now try and fix its bearing on reality more closely in the apple way meaning that numbers
have an other grip on reality than just being ink on paper
so there is one apple and one next to it so now for it to be two you need to be sure there are
two separate apples as mathematical certainty
so this we do in a very basic way , for there to be two separate apples both having number 1
you need to measure the distance between them so for doing this you name one apple A and the other B
than you make a measurement from apple A to apple B so where is the measurement going to start ?
well it should start on the outside of apple B or perhaps in the centre
and you need to draw a line from apple A to B to be sure you have two apples in a fixed spot
the start of this line should be a small point but how small ? it cant be a point so big its not
the start of a line to point B ( the other apple ) the real point from where to start this line
should be infinitely small for it to be certain and not two or three points close to each other
but how small is an infinite small point ? seems never small enough I would think
so how could we ever conclude from knowledge gained from senses that learned us to read numbers
like 1 and 2 are as apples and mean something other than just shapes of ink on paper how can
they actually Revere to real things ? like apples or other things ? some how they must but how ?
why is reality not just an apple A and an other Apple that only looks similar but is not the same
only similar to the eye ? it seems to me 1=1=2 means not a lot at all really and in fact it seems
like 1+1=2 could also bee seen as not so (!?)

o.k. so you have read it , and will now post a quick meaning less answer in typical forum stile
where the thoughts come and go faster than the seconds on the clock pass by
was it long and boring to read ? or difficult ?

how about if you think about it for a year ? and meditate on it 4 hours a day ?

now what is it about
its the basic corner stone of 3D science that is flawed
and only created cos real aces to knowledge was lost
like a light gone out in the world so you invent a light bulb

yes as bad as that

intact its true there are only single objects

nothing is the same no grain of sand on the beach
no leave on a tree

oh atoms are the same ?

well no they all have parts in different positions now in one time frame

now we are getting close to the core of the matter

what if two would be exactly the same ? could not be any other than in the same place

same position same time frame yes = same place !

but what does that mean ? they become shared ,

shared by what ?

by the observers !

when two apples are exactly the same it is shared .

shared ? yes the image is shared as in telepathy

so there is one of each and two if the one is shared ?

yes ! by the observers .

but why would there be two observers ?

well they are far less two than the two using numbers

to experience to . for they are connected by light energy

conscious light energy

not the dark numbers world of the ego

ah the ego ! yes the ego that wants to be single and alone

and separated and experience separation

if separated it is so nice to punish others

and not feel it your self .

if you are connected to the other you would not hurt him

it would be like hurting your self .

no I am not about to go on about twin flames here

was talking about 3D science

but the picture is big

the shared objects are interesting

how can they be shared ? if they are in front of you ?

well in fact in front of you is part of you to

the conscious light is there , your mind is there

just separation stops many from experiencing it direct

so what is the apple ? I call them 3D matrices

what are those ? they are shared constructs

they are shared by all that know them on that vibrational level

and that gives them their reality

I often say the after life is just be hind all that is around you

but also your light body is just behind your physical body

infarct every one is just behind all thats around us

behind the matrices !

behind the limitations of believing in them as truth

and while rockets are sent in to space to explore

alien life far away

it sits just behind the wall of your room or behind the matrix of

all thats around and inside you

the 3D limitation exposed :-)

look no further all is right 'in front' of you

this is just a short write up

could explain it all much more and more

divided in to parts explaining those also again

and in to finer details again

but thats a lot of work

this story is no theory it based on realities

I and many others experience

it means very little to me if some one beliefs it or not

a learning process can be slow and tedious if any take place at all

we are all free no needs to learn this

some might how ever find it interesting


much love and light to all readers
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