Thread: Hearing voices
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Old 27-10-2023, 11:34 AM
Found Goat Found Goat is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 196
According to one scholar, there was a time in history when it was commonplace for humans to experience auricular locutions, to live in symbiosis with the gods, so to speak. One can only imagine what a marvelous delight this must have been for those living at the time, to have been born innately clairaudient.

It has only been in western society primarily, and specifically beginning with the soulless age of the Enlightenment, that Voice-Hearing has been largely demonized and deemed irrational, pathological. How little do the scientific priest class know or care to know with regard to this phenomenon, what with it being beyond their empirical understanding to grasp and totally at odds with their materialist worldview.

Granted, some of these academic priests will at least confess to the subjective nature of the experience but chalk it up to a product or trick of the brain, believing it to be caused by the cerebral right hemisphere or, preposterously, as I've heard it theorized, the result of self-oblivious ventriloquism! Any explanation will do it seems, no matter how absurd and irrational, so long as it's in harmony with their false, non-spiritual system.

Most perplexingly, the stigma extends even to the alternative media, including among personalities and podcasters otherwise interested in fringe topics and the paranormal, those whom you would think would find this phenomenon fascinating yet who either do not know what to do with it or who seem strangely disinterested in hearing about it, if not adamantly dismissive.

My own past experience as a Voice-Hearer has been one accompanied by a tactile presence or energetic sensation about the aura, and has provided me with a life full of synchronistic events and gnosis concerning our acausal universe. Whatever the origin of these auricular locutions of mine, one thing I can state with absolute certainty is that 'they' are (a) a form of non-human intelligence and, (b) as evidenced by me, inexplicably prescient.

It is this prescient factor that, initially, was somewhat troubling for me to witness but something of which I now consider to be an everyday part of life. For me, it also raises several philosophical and metaphysical questions about the kind of world we humans inhabit and the whole issue of anthropocentricism -- no doubt an unsettling thought for the smug intelligentsia and others so self-deluded to actually believe in a self-determining paradigm.

So it is that it was for me a learning to accept this for what it is, and a willingness to alter my previously held outlook on reality. Just knowing that one is not alone in this has also been of help to me. This I discovered from reading the excellent literature that exists on this subject; as in one such book, in which I was surprised to learn that even the early 20th-century psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud, of all people, heard unseen voices -- an anomaly no doubt explained away by said mind-doctor and his ignorant peers as mere 'auditory hallucinations.'
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