Thread: God in Buddhism
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Old 25-09-2020, 11:43 PM
Ewwerrin Ewwerrin is offline
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Originally Posted by Phaelyn
yes am I aware of what I am as distinct from the current mental content or interpretation

That is always here and has always been here. That is me... and everything. It's like a golden needle in a haystack. We are giving our attention over to all that hay. But this body and mind we are merged with is such...this culture....these relationships... are like a laser pointer on a wall to a cat.... just..... can't..... look.... away.... lol.

I'm sorry, but this thing over here.... it's just too interesting..... she said this and that.... and I think this and that.... and he said this.... and this here.....

To turn around and see the divine....! To pursue that above all else. and then the How? How is also that laser pointer on the wall.
Because again, you have not understood that ALL that exists is relative. That you create it not by thought or physical manifestation, but by EMOTION, that your eternity is an energy motional journey. Emotionaly journey. Vibrational journey. So when you feel lost and confused, that is an energy, that occurs, because your soul has expanded into ABSOLUTE PURE PRESTINE CLARITY.

And you get to enjoy the journey of going from confusion to clarity! Confusion isnt bad, because how could you enjoy clarity if there exists no confusion?! These energies are merely clay for your consciousness to mold them. Into absolute freedom of any possible desire you may so create so true to your heart of inseperable "God Hoodness." So if you enjoy your confusion and value it and appreciate it, even the appreciate the negative emotion that doesnt feel good that is of that, then you can very easily shift the focus and attention unto clarity and enjoy that. And literally witnesss your absolute CREATORHOOD of infinite and eternal empowerment and freedom. Just like you will find EVERMORE EVEREXPANDINGLY new things to enjoy forevermore, because there is no end. Because the variety never ends. So this confusion is like "clay" that you always got. And all of it is made out of you, for you, with you, through you, as you, etc.

And the joy is in the journey. The energy motional journey. It's like listening to a classical music. You hear what you are a vibrational match to. Your consciousness is the one defining all of it. So you can never say that your experience is bad, because your experience is literally MADE OUT OF YOU. And you always remind yourself of what you appreciate the most. Like absolute clarity and unwavering knowingness and confidence. But its not that simple. To be put into words. We simply feel our way to our own ever expanding knowingness, because we are the creators of it. We have been doing this for an eternity. It's impossible that you don't know what you're doing. Because even the idea that you forgot that you know what you're doing, is an experience you've already created infinite versions of and this here and now version is again unlike any that you've ever created before it, or will ever create like unto it ever again and again and again, 5 billion times per second. That is how powerful you are.
Sharing perspective.
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