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Old 24-10-2022, 06:50 PM
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1,316

Originally Posted by Honza
If suddenly all the 'I' vanished, would that solve the issue? If there was no 'I' then would there be just God again? In a way I am asking if it is our 'I' that separates us from God?

I (or for that matter you,me ,we ,they etc) separates us from God . This not only separates us, it discriminates / differentiates / categorize into higher/lower/superior/inferior) . And this is where the problem lies with "I".

So the challenge is to have an I which does not have this negative side effect. This 'sting'/'thorn' of I can be removed by believing /seeing / feeling of God everywhere including we. That we we'll neither have superiority or inferiority complex and ur worldly dealings can be enjoyable for all.

God has intentionally kept 'I' alive and not created an utopia. If He does that there will be no challenge to our intellect / wisdom /capability. And the thrill and excitement out of life would be gone. So God in order to make us worthy and give us credit for something novel/great/ingenious, has intentionally kept the world away from utopia.
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