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Old 19-03-2022, 11:46 PM
Michael K. Michael K. is offline
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 704
Defect looking for a Character.

I have discovered through meditation and insight gained that we all are that of humanity a universe in miniature am exact atomic sized replica of this whole universe, so that within us all lies everything known within this universe since it was thought into existence aeons ago.

When you look within your self, you are actually looking into the universe that exist within you. This is why it is impossible to learn anything whatsoever, rather there is zero learning, and what actually happens is that you discover what lies within you, because in truth you are the universe, and thereby have access to everything that is within it, all you have to do is uncover it from your self.

I discovered that this defect looking for a character actually had one hidden away inside, hidden away by fears and deluded ignorance. Once i opened my eyes and my heart, and looked within there staring back at me was a character that I never knew existed, in my drunken befuddled days, but
only woke up when I refocused my gaze inward into reality, rather than outward into shallowness and illusion.

regards michael.
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