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Old 02-08-2020, 10:42 PM
Kerubiel Kerubiel is offline
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Heartspeaks louder then words

Language runs from our core outwards meeting creation around us, life as we know it. We form words to express ourselves, to translate and carry our meanings, our life to meet others. Words convey us, they reach out to the world so we can be met and embraced, cherished. They stem from deep within our souls shining outward, spilling forth, bridging the gap into the material world. Transforming pure life into matter/sound. Words are not direct however they take time to formulate, to speak. They lang, they lack. Direct communication is however possible to learn, call it seeing maybe or rather knowing, which is directly and purely experiencing.

Genuine communication is pure expression. Open, not hidden or shrouded as some hurt people tend to do. They close up and miss out on the pure connections which can be made with life. Genuine communication comes from the heart. It is honest and giving of yourself.

Language is a mystery too. It seems to have been created in a miraculous way. Studies of it have let me breathless, astounded, in awe. They seem to be perfectly formed from up on high, perhaps given to us or guided into creation. Perhaps from creation itself. I wonder too if perhaps language formed naturally in the only way it could have formed. From within the core of our awareness and spilling outward to connect, to convey, to help, to love etc. Intent could have perfectly formed these languages naturally.

The action is within us, it travels, transforms into words because of our seperation from each other. I wonder why. We have grown apart (I think we were once as one, connected purely, but fell from grace, from pure creation. Now I hope we travel closer and no longer further, a journey back to the heart. Where life flows from, to the entire body of man and woman, and all of life, and from creation itself.

I wonder about language because it is as a code revealed as one progresses. I wonder if it is counting down to time's completion, counting upwards, adding up to collection, a grand harvest of all time.

Light rhymes with right and with hieght. It rhymes with might and sight which can also mean life, awareness, tonal. Life also sounds close to light which is one and the same. Life is light is love is right which brings me to the sun which I believe at the end of days turns blood red, the time where all is aligned, life is light, blood is light, life is right the time is right, ripe, ready. Life is aligned, time is aligned, right is right , life is right, it is all in sight, lit up, and light is life, it is red/read. Right will be hieght, at its peak, the apex, life will be made right, it will be right, in sight. Life/light will be sight/lit up, and life/right and last but not least love will be hieght of might and not just might.

Please read carefully the above.

Could you imagine if 2020 marked not only the date, the time which could be ready but also the vision... 20 20 vision.

Numbers are equally perhaps unfathomable as to their divinity their originity. I have been amazed to discover the hidden meanings of alignment, creation life.

My soul speaks, craving inter-action, wanting inner-action. Warmth, kindling for the fire that burns in my heart and soul. Come sit by this fire and help me learn your language, so we can grow in the knowledge of each other.
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