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Old 18-09-2021, 11:00 PM
weareunity weareunity is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 763
Pilgrim meets the woman of riddles

Pilgrim had spent many years searching for connection. Searching for the key to oneness.

Pilgrim wandered into a small village at the foothills of mountains, and seeing a group sitting and apparently in deep discussion sat down quietly nearby.

After a while one of the group turned to Pilgrim and said "hello friend, where are you heading?"
"I am searching" replied Pilgrim.

The welcomer shook Pilgrims hand and said "So many of us are--Tell me, what are you searching for?"

"I am searching for the key to oneness ?" Pilgrim replied.
"Ah," said the host, "many pass through here on a similar quest".

"And is there anyone here who is able offer advice?"

"We'll, not really, for else we would have been able to give you that information".

"No one at all?" Pilgrim asked again.

"Well, there is a woman who lives in a small hut up on the mountain side over there"--pointing. And then added, "but she talks in riddles and none of us understand her".

"Thanks" said Pilgrim.

Pilgrim thought, shall I just continue with my search or perhaps visit this woman of riddles?

After years of travelling Pilgrim had learned not to dismiss possibilities out of hand and so decided to venture up the mountain side and came upon the small hut.

Pilgrim had taken the precaution of singing and whistling loudly on approaching the dwelling so as not to surprise the occupant.--who duly came to the door as Pilgrim came near.

"Thank you for your thoughtfulness", said the woman."How can I help you?"

"I am looking for the key to oneness". said Pilgrim.

"So many are" said the woman.

"So I am often told", replied Pilgrim smiling.

"So many pass here looking for advice yet leave disappointed when I offer it".

Pilgrims spirit quickened upon hearing this--So, she could offer advice.

"What is your advice, please tell me".

The woman looked at Pilgrim and said " Do not look for the key, for the key is everywhere and always".

" How can that be" said Pilgrim, "for I have been many places and have never found it".

The woman continued--"You do not need to find the key--you need only to change the lock".

"What lock?" replied Pilgrim.

"You are the lock." Said the woman.

"They told me in the village that you speak in riddles".

"and what do you say"? Asked the woman.

"I think I need to ponder upon your advice."

The woman smiled.

Pilgrim bowed and offered thanks.

"I will add just one further thought" said the woman.

"It is this. Your lock is very close to allowing the key to fit"--and with that she bowed her head toward Pilgrim, turned around, went back into her dwelling and closed the door.

Pilgrim continued walking on, pondering, and was soon out of sight in a valley which cut its way intothe mountain.

Soon a great joyous peal of laughter rose from the valley and echoed amongst the mountains.

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