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Old 19-01-2019, 11:22 AM
OPVerma OPVerma is offline
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 455
Originally Posted by Busby
This post of OPVerma is quite fascinating!

Surely we don't have any PAST KARMA, all we have is (and karma would exist even within a godless life and only evolution taking place) is our PRESENT KARMA. The SUM total of everything I've ever thought, said and done results in the NOW. At the moment I'm sitting at the window writing this on my PC with an occasional glance at the falling snow. That's it. This moment, the chair I'm sitting on, the make of PC, the table lamp and so on are all the result of decisions I have made or I have allowed to be made for me, so NOW is the full realisation of my karma. As I try to live healthily and like long walks I'm still fit and well, this belongs to my karma too and here I have nothing to complain about. Having such a nice life is also of course part of a collectiveness of all karmas and we can assume that the neighbourhood in which I live, the town in which I live, the county, country, continent and planet on which I live all has to do with my karma. Even a fish has karma.

Comparative sinlessness - fascinating stuff. You mean that sin can be graded? I once was introduced to a Muslim woman who had no hands, they'd been chopped of because she had stolen. She had however stolen because she had no food for her children… I wonder what grade this would be? And this bit about having real knowledge of God, well we are missing a real opportunity here. Please introduce me to such a knower. Nor did I know that meditation and yoga are deemed necessary to know God.

These common people who have no knowledge of God, who have 'mixed' karmas - are these the people who we can understand to have died say in Hiroshima or in the Concorde air crash in Paris?

And that third group who apparently are ignorant about everything and who die horrible deaths. The most horrible death I can think of at the moment would be to be drawn and quartered, a practice recommended by Christian societies a few hundred years ago. A death probably slightly worse than say having one's head cut off.

Right at the end it seems, between the lines, that you are not quite sure if we (you) will be born again, let's hope your beliefs are valid, at least to some extent.

Dear OPVerma, I'm not attempting to in any way devalue your input but you have used so many assumptions as facts that it cannot stand as written, IMO!

For Busby
Sorry! I was short of time so I could not read your post fully. It deserves attention.

Out of 7 billion population I think hardly 1% people live super life as you do. This is all because of your past good Karma specially when compared to the Karma of Muslim women whose hands were chopped. Past Karma decide our birth, country, religion, financial status. and major events of life. Have you ever thought why she was not born as Hindu or Christian ? In that case her hands would have remained intact.

Unfortunately in Islam religion , the practice of Jihad, animal sacrifice, polygamy, and the Saria Law violets Nature's Bio laws and produce horrible Karma,leading to miserable life and death, that its followers have to suffer.

Yes there is grading of Karma. Like we pass exam in different grades, receive salary that gets upgraded, live in a status conscious society etc.

Me or anybody gets freedom from rebirth, when he has fully worked out all his Karma.

There is a whole book on Karma ' Nature's Bio-Laws of Action' that deals with all such subject matter.
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