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Old 07-05-2021, 01:01 PM
Posts: n/a
I would urge , and Beg if need be , that no - one takes this substance.
It is not meant for human consumption.

If a bio - chemist / scientist etc has developed it in order for it to be prescribed to humans to aid medical Cindy as prescribed by a doctor...... Fine .
I don't have a problem with that.

But However....
I DO have a family member that has had to learn all about this "recreational" drug , among many others, as part of their training within their career.... To determine, upon response, what a person may have been "using"....
Trust and please believe, the side effects of this drug are dreadful beyond words..

Firstly ... The symptoms of what it can cause are horrible.
Secondly.... I have known experience of what happened to one family, where I used to live , because of one young person's consumption of it .... Too horrific to even tell anyone ...
Even in a P.M. if anyone begged me, I physically would NOT be able to tell the story, so bad was it...
Please, anyone.... Seek medical advice... Don't ever buy this product off the street or internet...