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Old 02-05-2021, 04:40 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi Ladyvirgoxoxo,

You wrote you had a week of decision to make? When does the other interview take place in time? Is it within that week? If so when you go to it you can tell them I have recently been to another interview and I have a week's of notice, this way if they too are interested in havnig you they can speed up the processe and tell you so. and then you will make up your mind.

Things like getting something in your eye etc happens to me all the time, I don't think it is a correlation to the job situations.

It could be done so you would not leave your home or something like that, to win some time, or if you would go out something bad would have happened to you.

Hope everything works out! Follow your gut feeling! =)
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