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Old 26-01-2019, 05:41 AM
taurus taurus is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: Geelong, Australia
Posts: 150
Hear hear, linen53! Thank you for sharing your experience.

Originally Posted by linen53
I don't know your religious or spiritual beliefs but I believe I set myself in that situation where I was harmed way before I was born when I was setting up my blueprint for life, as some call it. I chose to go through that incident because in the long run it would teach me something I needed to learn. So essentially I had to admit to myself that I put myself in harm's way. How could I feel sorry for myself if that is the case? If you don't believe like I do, just skip over this suggestion. You can still heal.
That's a very good point! I don't know if you are also aware of this but reading this reminded me, the people you will reincarnate with choose roles they will play in this life beforehand - domineering father, absent mother. The aim is to teach lessons or to have an experience. Thank you for sharing because it's important to remind yourself not to get to caught up in blaming others and experiences. I'm still getting there myself.
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