Thread: Ask me anything
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Old 01-08-2021, 10:48 PM
Traveler Traveler is offline
Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 996
Ok, I have one for you: What is your thought about Aspergers and the fact that it seems more people are becoming aware as adults that they are 'different' and end up getting tested and actually have high functioning autism? Do you think that there are more people who are autistic, yet high functioning, than we actually are aware of and that it is actually quite common? My 23-year-old daughter is going to be evaluated for autism in a few weeks (it's tough getting it scheduled). And this is completely new territory for me. And I've been watching youtube videos of people who have been diagnosed as adults and what their experience has been. It seems to me that it's not as rare as we think it is.
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