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Old 23-09-2022, 08:49 PM
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Originally Posted by traceyacey12
Lol thanks. Why can't we trust it? And what's your opinion on those that take it as final authority?

To have an opinion on whether or not to trust the Bible the thing that is actually relevant is whether or not your understanding of it can be trusted. Fluency in language guarantees nothing. Believers or not usually rely chiefly on literal understanding. One that does not recognize symbolism, metaphors , allegory, etc will be cheated out of the depth of the Bible and any scriptures.

Read the opening verses of Psalm 1…..(my paraphrase)….”Blessed is the man who delights in the Scripture and on these scriptures he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season…”. It is continuous meditation that produces fruit……and that fruit is deeper understanding.

Even in my paraphrase I could break down individual words to extract deeper meaning….namely ‘trees’, ‘streams’, ‘water’, ‘fruit’…..each have significant spiritual meaning far beyond the literal meaning. It is there waiting to be uncovered.
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