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Old 10-10-2011, 07:55 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by emalie

I"ve just joined. Browsing the forums, I saw this one for Spiritualists. I've been a Spirtualist for about 30 years but I'd have to say that I think that my spiritual feeling and thinking extends now beyond any church-borne dogma. I'm more interested in spirituality than psychic work, for example.

I think that too many see Spiritualism as a venue only for psychic work and not for spiritual sharing.

Nice to meet you,


As a formerly regular contributor I've often pointed out that (Modern) Spiritualism isn't simply the churches - I consider I'm a staunch Spiritualist but rarely attend church. It soon became redundant to my personal needs although I support and recommend them to new seekers of information.

The psychic vs. spiritual aspects I've written about repeatedly and routinely both here and elsewhere. Sadly there's still as much confusion expressed online now as there used to I judge the situation.

Maybe those who aren't confused simply don't write about it?
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