Thread: Hell Loops ?
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Old 05-01-2024, 02:15 AM
Lynn Lynn is offline
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Hell Loops ?


Well its been a year now since the EX I had for 33 years past. We sure celebrated on December 12th. OK I get it, some will feel that is not spiritual but I was so abused for those years. Too there was no exit plan at times when you are so controlled by $$$ behind the family. Ever move I made was known. I finally got to the point where our kids were of age for me to be free, and I also had a new support in place with Heart from here. He was abusive to his kids too but they were blessed with an inheritance.

It took a long time for him to cross over as I was told that he had to stay around and "hear" what others were saying about how bad he was how sick he was as a person. For the abuse he caused and what he created. He not only left his kids behind but he created 2 more...with very young mothers that are now in care of the ministry. Sad sic man that the world is better of not having around. On his memorial page there is only "Likes" and "Loves" that he is gone !

So this leads me to what I am told can happen and yes I am a fan of Lucifer the TV a lot of it can tie to reality.

The EX is now in a Hell Loop where you re live the wrongs you did, in Hell not the pit of fire but that place where you go to learn your Karmic Debt lessons. I am blessed he is not able to pop in and out now to my life or my kid's lives, as that was a nightmare.

What are your thoughts on what happens to you is your truly an evil person n life ? Not a pit of fire that would be getting off too easy.

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