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Old 04-08-2023, 02:57 AM
Bluto Bluto is offline
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 173
Regarding tinnitus, a similar thing happened to me soon after a close friend died, when I went through a sudden spiritual awakening. To this day, one ear or another will suddenly ring, and 9 time out of 10 it appears to alert me to pay attention to something. These things are often banal, but helpful.

If you want to hear voices, try something I did. Simply set an intention to hear voices before you drop off to sleep. Ask sincerely to "hear voices" and be sincerely open to it. It happened to me. After a few months it was happening twice a week and started getting crazy. They'd happen when I was in either hypnopompic or hypnogogic states, and were always accompanied by electromagnetic feelings (some light, some heavy, some all over, some localised to my head or shoulder for example) in my body, and buzzing, swooshing, or static sounds in my ears. Most of them were preceded by a pressure change in the ear a split second before I heard the voice. Sometimes the voices sounded like they were shouting through wind, one was CRYSTAL clear, and simply said hello, startling me. Beware though, one voice (the last one I heard because I closed it down straight after) was not human at all. It was growling at me, and sounded like a very deep voice, deeper than those sound changers, and wasn't speaking English. It wasn't a human language, I'm sure. I could feel what felt like breath and pressure in my left ear as it was speaking. It freaked me out so much that I couldn't sleep properly for a month. It took two months before I'd go to bed and not worry or think about it. I stopped it by setting an intention for it to stop. I really meant it, and it did.
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